Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Studio Session 11 Task

1. Marking Excersise

2. Sketches

3. Inspiration

4. 36 Custom Textures

perhaps 'pierce' would've been a better word, but you get the idea :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Studio Session 9 Task

1. 18 Sketch Perspectives (Two-Point)

2. Elevator

Shown are the parts so far

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Studio Session 8 Task

1. 18 Sketch Perspectives (One-Point)

2. News Article Mash-up

Dubbed talks on reforming a 50-year old nuclear priestess devastated Italian fashion on Friday when efforts to give near-religious experiences to four-year old President Barack Obama delivered a US arsenal to a Malawian home. The designer said the wide chasm between rejected rich and primitively poor states remains in an effort to discover why gold and animal skin failed non-proliferation expectations.

Last week a source said 189 crumpled signatories were embossed with love before unanimously agreeing an agenda for the next cave painting. Next year, the tobacco control pact gets answers, however bickering between Western nations were so high that it’s unlikely the adoption will go ahead. They caused two nuclear weapons to slow down and let the developing world platform rise up. Big powers believed to have told Lourdes earlier in the day their nuclear stockpiles presented a dramatic show that delegates hope added to Britain’s heat.

Rueters India, "Obama boosts nuclear talks, split remains," (May 16 2009), http://in.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idINIndia-39658120090515

China Daily, "Madonna seeks psychic Love," (May 13 2009), http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/showbiz/2009-05/13/content_7773593.htm

The First Post, "Miuccua Prada goes primitive in Milan fashion parade," http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/people,1423,miuccia-prada-goes-primitive-in-milan-fashion-parade,46474

3. UnrealEd Model