Sunday, April 26, 2009

Experiment 2 - Final Submission

Link to UT2004 submission file:;13706919;/fileinfo.html

Link to PDF Document contain blog content (better quality, recommended download):

Video Showing Dynamic Components:

Studio Session 7 Task (Produce identical twins, get explosions)

1. 36 Textures

2. Axonometric Collisions (Meeting Places)

3. Black Hole Comment

The link I draw between this slide and my design is the idea of film and lighting. My design involves using Movers to create dymanic architecture that can only be truly seen by video. The colour use is also prevalent in my Nobel lab. Here the colour red is associated with panic and alarm by encountering bats. This is similar to my design, I have used red TriggerLights to alert Nobel to the fact he is running an explosive test.

4. Electroliquid Aggregation Sentence

In general terms, IN ANIMALS, my invention consists inmixing TRUE CLONES with nitro-glycreine, AS DEFINED ABOVE, MAY BE, which possesses a very great absorbent PRODUCED capacity, BY and which, EMBRYO SPLITTING at the same time, OR BLASTOMERE is free from any SEPERATION quality which EITHER ARTIFICIALLY decompose, destroy, OR AS OCCURS NATURALLY, injure the nitro-glycerine or, IN THE PRODUCTION OF IDENTICAL TWINS, its explosiveness.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Studio Session 6 Task (Tricky now...)

1. 18 Sketch Axonometrics

Please note that the use of "sheets" is intentional, with the use of BlockingVolumes they form suitable surfaces.

2. Nobel Lab

Curved ramp fail = Party of BSP holes

UseTrigger, ScriptedTrigger, TriggerLight, ViewShaker and Emitter actors + BlockingVolume
No movers yet, must texture before making into a static "mess" :)

You might be able to see where those prongs fit into on the main structure

3. Campbell Lab

Monday, April 6, 2009

Studio Session 5 Task (Wordy)

1. Selection of Quotes

"In animals, true clones, as defined above, may be produced by embryo splitting or blastomere separation either artificially, or as occurs naturally in the production of identical twins" - Keith Campbell

"It is certain that the study of human psychology, if it were undertaken exclusively in prisons, would also lead to misrepresentation and absurd generalizations" - Jacques-Yves Cousteau

"In general terms, my invention consists inmixing with nitro-glycerine a substance which possesses a very great absorbent capacity, and which, at the same time, is free from any quality which decompose, destroy or injure the nitro-glycerine or its explosiveness." - Alfred Nobel

2. References

KHS Campbell - Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, Nuclear transfer in farm animal species, 1999 - Elsevier

Jacques-Yves Cousteau,

Alfred Nobel, "Letters Patent No 78,317", United States Patent Office, May 26 1868, accessed online 6/04/09 at